
Cybersecurity Trends In 2024: What You Need To Know

Stay informed about the evolving cybersecurity landscape Get the knowledge you need to protect your digital presence effectively.

Now that the Digital revolution is all around you, whether you’re a small or large business, corporations, organizations or even governments rely on computer systems to manage their daily operations, cybersecurity becomes a top priority to protect data from various online assaults or unauthorized access.

 The constant evolution of technology also means a parallel evolution of cybersecurity trends as the news cycle is dominated by data breaches, ransomware, and hacks. Improve your knowledge with expert-led security courses for full protection.

Top Cybersecurity TrendsRise of Automotive Hacking

In today’s vehicles, there’s a lot of automated software that creates a smooth connection between the driver and the vehicle’s systems such as cruise control, the engine timing system, door locks and airbags, as well as advanced driver assistance systems.

 These vehicles rely on Bluetooth and WiFi for communication, which also makes them vulnerable to a variety of vulnerabilities or attack vectors. Gaining control over the vehicle or listening through the car’s microphone is expected to increase in 2023 as automated vehicles become more widespread.

 Self-driving or self-autonomous vehicles operate on an even more intricate system that necessitates stringent cybersecurity measures.

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Now that AI is being adopted across all market segments, the combination of AI with machine learning has led to dramatic changes in cybersecurity. AI has played a key role in the development of automated security solutions, NLP, facial recognition, and automated threat detection.

 However, it’s also being used to create sophisticated malware and attacks to evade the most up-to-date security controls in data management. AI-powered threat detection systems can anticipate new attacks and alert administrators immediately of any data breach.

 Mobile is the New Target

According to cybersecurity trends, mobile banking malware and attacks are expected to rise significantly in 2019, which means our hand-held devices are a target for hackers. Cybersecurity trends in 2023 may focus on smartphone viruses or malware. All of our photos, money transfers, emails, and communications are more vulnerable to cyberattacks.

 Cloud is Also Potentially Vulnerable

Now that more and more companies are moving to the cloud, you need to keep an eye on and update your security measures to protect your data from data breaches. While cloud applications like Google or Microsoft have robust end-to-end security, it’s the end-user that’s prone to making mistakes, downloading malware, and falling victim to phishing attacks.

 Data Breaches: Prime Target

Data will remain a top priority for businesses worldwide. For individuals and businesses alike, protecting digital information is now the top priority. Any small bug or vulnerability in your browser or software can give hackers access to your data.

 IoT With 5G Network: The New Era of Technology and Risks

With the emergence and expansion of 5G, a new age of connectivity will be ushered in with the emergence of IoT. Even Google’s most popular browser, Chrome, was found to contain critical vulnerabilities. The 5G architecture is relatively new to the industry and requires extensive research to identify vulnerabilities to protect the system from attacks.

 Automation and Integration

As the amount of data increases daily, automation will likely be integrated to provide more granular control over the data. The demands of modern hectic work environments also put pressure on engineers and professionals to deliver fast and efficient solutions, which makes automation more important than ever.

 During the agile process, security measurements are integrated to build more robust software in all aspects. Large and intricate web applications are even more difficult to protect, making automation and cyber security an integral part of software development.

 Targeted Ransomware

Targeted ransomware is another major cybersecurity trend we can’t seem to get our hands off of. Particularly in developed countries, many industries rely on specialized software to carry out their day-to-day operations. These ransomware attacks are more targeted. For example, the Wanna Cry ransomware attack on NHS hospitals in England Scotland caused damage to over 70,000 medical equipment.

 Ransomware typically threatens to expose the victim’s data if a ransom is not paid, but it can also affect large companies or even countries.

 State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare

There will never be a cease-fire in the struggle between Western and Eastern powers for supremacy. Tensions between the United States and Iran, or attacks by Chinese hackers, often make headlines around the world. While the number of attacks is low, they can have a major impact on a major event like an election.

 Insider Threats

One of the biggest causes of data breaches is still human error. A single bad day or an intentional breach can leave an entire company with millions of dollars worth of stolen data.

 The Verizon Data Breach Report provides strategic insights into cybersecurity trends, revealing that 34% of all attacks were initiated by employees.

 Remote Working Cybersecurity

Due to the pandemic, many businesses have opted for remote working, which brings with it a whole new set of cybersecurity challenges. Remote workers are more susceptible to cyberattacks because their networks and devices are often less secure.

 Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering is a type of attack that involves the use of deceptive tactics, such as phishing and spear phishing, as well as identity theft, to gain access to confidential information. Employees should be trained to identify and report suspicious activity and have security measures in place to prevent these types of attacks.

 Multi-Factor Authentication

MFA is a form of security that requires a user to provide multiple authentication methods to access an account. This extra layer of protection helps protect against cyber attacks, as attackers need to have access to more than one piece of data to get into an organization’s accounts. All accounts should be MFA-secured to minimize the chances of an unauthorized user gaining access.

  Cybersecurity automation is becoming more and more important in today’s world. By automating your security processes, you can reduce the amount of time it takes for threats to be identified and responded to, as well as increase your threat detection accuracy.International State-Sponsored Attackers

With the rise of sophisticated state-sponsored cyberattacks, organizations must be aware that these attackers may be targeting them as well. They must provide sufficient protection against these attacks, including MFA and RTM.

 Identity and Access Management

IAM is a security solution that helps organizations manage and track who has access to confidential information and networks. They should also have appropriate IAM policies in place, including user verification, authorization rules, and access control lists.

 Real-Time Data Monitoring

Real-time data visibility is a key security feature that helps organizations identify and address suspicious activity. They should also have automated alerts in place and log monitoring in place to keep track of all data activity.

 Automotive Hacking

As cars become more connected to the web, they also become more susceptible to cyber-attacks. Organizations should take the necessary steps to encrypt, authenticate, and monitor connected vehicles in real-time.

 AI Potential

AI has the potential to transform the security. Artificial intelligence is capable of real-time threat detection and response, as well as automating day-to-day security processes. Organizations need to make sure they have the right safeguards in place to guard against AI-related threats.

Improved Security for IoT Devices

IoT is growing in popularity and is expected to grow even more over the next few years. As the number of IoT devices continues to grow, so does the need for enhanced security for those devices. Organizations need to not only keep their IoT devices secure, but they also need to keep their data and apps secure.

Cloud Also Vulnerable

While cloud computing offers many advantages, it also brings with it new security threats. Organizations should take the necessary steps to ensure the security of their cloud data and networks, including encryption, authentication, and regular updates. As data and applications become more cloud-based, the demand for cloud-based security solutions to protect those assets will grow.

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