Digital Marketting

How can animated explainer videos help to grow your business?

Animated explainer videos are the perfect tool for any business looking to grow and expand their reach. Not only do they help to give your digital marketing a youthful side, but they can also help to simplify complex products and ideas, making them more accessible to your target audience.

These videos are a great way to introduce your business, product, or service to the world and they can be used in a multitude of ways to help your business to achieve their goals. Whether you’re looking to increase sales, boost your website’s SEO, or simply spread the word about your brand, animated explainer videos can help you get there. 

In this post, we look at the reasons why your business should be creating explainer videos. 

Your customers are looking for explainer videos

A recent study by Hubspot reported that 84% of people are more likely to make a purchase after watching an explainer video. Explainer videos are great for answering many of the common questions potential customers have within a short timeframe. Because explainer videos get to the bottom of your product or service, it means that your customer leaves knowing exactly what you’re offering and they’re much more likely to make a purchase after seeing how your product or service can benefit them. 

Explainer videos increase understanding and conversion rates

One of the great things about animated explainer videos is that they help to simplify complex ideas and make them easily digestible for the viewer. This increased understanding can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales for your business. 

Explainer videos are incredibly cost-effective

One of the main benefits of animated explainer videos is that they are relatively inexpensive to produce compared to live-action videos. The animation process is done digitally, which eliminates the need for expensive equipment an on-location shoots. Additionally, animation allows for a great degree of creative freedom, meaning that it can be adapted to suit your budget and convey your message effectively.

They can also be shared easily, meaning that they can be posted and shared across various social media platforms and your company website, giving you many options for reaching your target audience without the need for expensive advertising campaigns. 

Explainer videos allow you to get creative with your digital marketing

There are limitations as to what you can do with live action video content, but with animated videos you can do anything you want! Want to bring your product or services to life on the Moon? No problem! With animated videos, you can do just that. Animation allows you to be truly creative with your brand, allowing you to create more memorable stories, use your brand colors, logos and fonts to get through to your target audience. 

Also Read: Why is SEO so important for every business?

Explainer videos can boost your SEO

Because explainer videos can be used to engage your audience and keep them on your website longer, this can pay dividends for your SEO. The longer a visitor stays on your website, the better it is for you as search engines see this as a sign that your site is providing valuable content. This can help to improve the user experience and help your site to rank higher on search engine results pages, which can result in more click-throughs for your brand. 

Additionally, a fun animation explainer video can help to establish your brand as a credible one. The more impressions you get on your video will flag to search engines that you are a reliable source of information and can begin to rank you higher on search engine results pages for your niche. 

Explainer videos can improve your engagement

As humans, we’re naturally drawn to vibrant and visually compelling content, and this is why video has become a dominant force within digital marketing. Videos allow your brand to capture the attention of your audience and stand out in the crowded digital landscape. By creating engaging video content that your audience enjoys, you can increase the likelihood of it being watched in its entirety and being shared by others. This can help to boost engagement and drive conversions for your brand. 


If you own a business, animated explainer videos are a no-brainer. Not only do they look great, but they also allow you to be creative – all while boosting your engagement and brand awareness at the same time. And, with video marketing accounting for over 80% of internet traffic, it’s important your business gets involved if you want to remain competitive.  

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